Martial Arts Enthusiasts in the Oval Office: Presidents Day Celebrates Our Nation’s Leaders

Martial Arts Nations Leaders

IntroductionPresidents Day, originally dedicated to honoring the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, has evolved over the years to become a day of reflection on the contributions of all American Presidents. While we commemorate these historic leaders, it’s fascinating to note that some of our nation’s commanders-in-chief were not only adept at policy-making but […]

What the Martial Arts Teaches Us About Gratitude

Martial Arts Gratitude

This is a retro-post from the tail end of 2020 that was originally posted on our other website. The dates are different, and maybe some of the current events, but the message still holds true.2020 and What the Martial Arts Teaches Us About Gratitude“Great class everyone, be sure to thank your training partner!”It’s the reminder […]